The Problem
Genealogical data is scattered all around the globe which makes it difficult to access.
Existing Solutions
Several organizations (both for profit and non-profit) are attempting to access and accumulate large genealogy databases from both digital and non-digital sources. The data is siloed, but attempts are being made through agreements/partnerships for customers to access data across platforms.
Why Blockchain?
A blockchain platform could enable a single source of genealogical information. In conjunction, work done to augment the database (both in new data and data curation) can be rewarded through a native token to incentivize the growth of the network. Blockchain in this context really represents a neutral platform to house the data where participants can share with the network but are not required to relinquish ownership of the data to a self serving entity or group. For-profit services can be built on top of this base layer.
Initial Goals
1. Build a blockchain platform architecture which incentivizes people and groups to add and curate genealogical data to a single decentralized depository.
The network should
not be owned or controlled by any single group or individual
promote highest standards in genealogical research
create self sustaining rewards through a native token
discourage attempts to spam or game the system for financial gain with little to no benefit to the greater network
preserve the authenticity and source permissions of the original data owners
properly safeguard personal privacy
maintain respect for the deceased
Additional components of the platform
browser wallet interface (add mobile later)
data upload and permissions governance
token ownership and control
link forging/staking control center
blockchain explorer
family tree builder
2. Persuade individuals and large genealogical database incumbents to share their data.
To do this we must
financially incentivize work in data collection and curation
provide easy and efficient migration tools
adhere to legal requirements that must be respected and observed
educate constituents about why data silos hurt everyone
show how our goals align and synergize with others
3. Provide tutorials and easy on-boarding processes
many who work in the field of genealogy are retirement age and are slow to adopt new technologies
allow people to start using the platform at zero cost (such as using Family tree builder)