The Prosapia Foundation is building a global, open standard decentralized network and database for all humankind. Our mission is to gather the family history of everyone who has ever lived on the planet. We are dedicated to fostering collaboration between genealogical organizations in developing open standards and protocols. Please come join us in this mission!

areas of collaboration

research institute
Experts from around the world in various technology fields such as Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, and Quantum Computing have come together to breathe life into the Prosapia Network. The Foundation’s Research Institute is the beating heart that drives innovation forward. Fellowships are extended to research scientists of the highest caliber and appointments at the Institute allow the most dedicated minds to creatively explore the limits of technology. Please inquire below.



honor your ancestors

Decentralized ledger technology is revolutionizing nearly every industry in the world from finance to gaming. Family history will undergo an exponential increase in productivity as we link the siloed databases of the world together into a foundational layer. Database custodians will retain rights and control of the records while allowing greater transparency and access to researchers. Individuals passionate about genealogical research will be incentivized to work through blockchain rewards and bounties posted by other participants and users of the platform.
In conjunction with our partners, we are building the most sophisticated AI and machine learning algorithms to search the mountains of data looking for unidentified individuals, unrealized connections, and duplicates or merged records. As the database grows, users will have unprecedented new leads discovered through artificial intelligence. We are particularly excited to incorporate DNA findings with existing traditional identity ledgers.
It is said that Prometheus came down Mt. Olympus and brought the gift of fire to man. In a similar way, Quantum Computing presents a paradigm shift in the way we will be able to process unconventional data such as human relationships. Our quantum computing efforts will one day allow us to analyze information corresponding to an individual from millions of different perspectives. These techniques will uncover the gaps and show us where unidentified relationships may be found.
The evolution of the internet has taught us many things. One in particular, is the incredible power that can be drawn from gathering people around the globe to work together for a purpose. Through online tools and incentives, everyone from single individuals picking through their attics, to small and large organizations uploading their archives, can all participate in expanding our knowledge about our ancestors. We call this grand collective effort social genealogy. Only together can we fully uncover the pieces of the puzzle that by themselves go unappreciated.
As written in our charter, human privacy is one of the core values of the Prosapia network. We’ve invented an architecture which enables all participants to retain control of their data and share it however they are most comfortable. In this way, we satisfy all privacy requirements set forth by governments, churches, tribes, and other organizations around the globe.